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                                CLASS 1 General Principles- Mechanics- It is a branch of physical science that is concerned with the state of rest or motion of bodies that are subjected to the action of forces. In general, this subject can be subdivided into three branches- 1)Rigid body mechanics 2) Deformable body mechanics 3)Fluid mechanics Rigid body mechanics is subdivided in two areas- a)Statics- It deals with the equilibrium of bodies that are either at rest or move with constant velocity. b) Dynamics- It is concerned with the accelerated motion of bodies. Fundamental Concepts 1)Basic quantities a)Length b)Time c)Mass d)Force 2)Particle- A particle has a mass but a size that can be neglected. For example, Earth can be modelled as a particle compared to its orbit. 3)Rigid Body- A rigid  body is combination of large number of particles in which all the particles remain at a fixed distance from one a...
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                              CLASS 1 Chemical engineering is concerned with the transformation of raw material into useful products. Chemical engineering is the application of the principle of physical science together with the principles of economics and human relations to fields that pertain directly to processes and process equipments in which matter is treated to effect a change of state, energy content or composition.

Chemistry (3 semester)

                       WATER TREATMENT(Class 1) •Water is present in liquid, solid and gas state. •It is important for living organisms. Sources of water 1)Surface water a) Flowing water(River, Stream) b)Still water(Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs) 2) Underground water(springs, wells, tubewells) 3)Sea/Oceans 4) Rainwater Water can be divided into two types 1)Hardwater •Ca+2/Mg+2 is present in the form of bicarbonates. •It does not form foam easily. 2)Soft water •The water which produces foam easily with soap or detergent. •It does not contain ions. Different kinds of impurities in water 1) Physical impurities •Coloured water due to presence of suspended particles, ions, salts, slits, etc. •Taste(brackish/bitter) •Odour 2) Chemical impurities a) Organic impurities detergent, pulp, vegetables, dead animals b) Inorganic impurities These are chemical impurities. 3)Biological impurities Bacteria, fungi, virus, algae Types of hardness 1) Te...

FLUID MECHANICS ( 3 semester)

                   FLUID MECHANICS (1 CLASS) •Dynamics- study of motion of any substance. •Mechanics- study of material under forces. •Fluid mechanics is study of fluid under forces.                             Nature and scope •Mathematical (vector and vector calculus) •Physical principle (law of conservation of mass/energy/angular momentum)                                     Scope • It is foundational course •design and operation of storage vessels. •design and operation of equipment for: 1) Momentum tranfer( fluid moving machinery like pipes pumps, blowers, nozzels, turbine, compressors,valves, etc.) 2)Heat transfer( heat exchangers like heaters, coolers, condensers, etc.) 3) Mass transfer( separators, purifiers like distillation columns, absorbers, extractors, etc...

BASIC THERMODYNAMICS- Chapter 1-Introduction (3 semester)

                INTRODUCTION (1 CLASS) •Thermodynamics= Thermo+dynamics. •Thermo stands for various kinds of energy such as heat, electricity, light, solar, steam. •Dynamics stands for energy in transitional state. •Possible changes in physical properties of substances. 1) increase and decrease in temperature. 2) increase and decrease in temperature. •Thermodynamics is the science of energy transfer and it's effect on physical properties of substances. •Carnot's Theory- Reflections on the motive power of fire.                                    CLASS-2 Defination of thermodynamics It is a science of energy transfer and it's effect on physical properties of substances such as temperature, volume, density. Application  Nuclear Power plant, chemical process plant, air conditioning, internal combustion engine, gas dynamics, etc. Macroscopic and Microscopic v...

Physics-2 semester-Polarisation of light

Light is a electromagnetic radiation. Ordinary light: It is unpolarised light. Polarised light: Vibration will be in only one plane. When light passes through polarizer ( quartz glass) then polarisation of light takes place. Polarisation of light: When unpolarised light transforms into polarised light then the process is known as polarisation of light. Optical axis: Axis which  decides the plane in which light get polarised. Plane of vibration: Plane contains the direction of propogation of light and direction of vibration of light. From  Fig.ABCD is the plane of vibration. ABCD perpendicular to EFGH. Plane of polarisation: This plane contains only direction of propogation of light. From Fig.EFGH  is the plane of polarisation. Doubly refracting crystal: There are certain crystal by which two types of plane polarised light rays are obtained when unpolarised light incident upon it. Such type of crystals...

Chemistry ( Organic)